Workshops and prospective researches
March Atlas is a course offered since 2017 in Masters 1 and 2 as part
of the ENSAB "Traversée" State Diploma and the EUR CAPS educational
project. The main goal is to initiate the production of a subjective Atlas of
landscapes of the Rennes metropolis. By exploring situations of relationship
between city and countryside, we wish to re-examine the concept of the
city-archipelago and make visible the territory transformation processes.
March Atlas is a course offered since 2017 in Masters 1 and 2 as part
of the ENSAB "Traversée" State Diploma and the EUR CAPS educational
project. The main goal is to initiate the production of a subjective Atlas of
landscapes of the Rennes metropolis. By exploring situations of relationship
between city and countryside, we wish to re-examine the concept of the
city-archipelago and make visible the territory transformation processes.
During the fall 2022, 13 students and teachers explore the physical space of the landscapes located between the town of Saint Jacques de la Lande and Thorigné Fouillard.
The methodological framework proposes to go beyond the exploration of this geographical transect in order to engage both practice and theorical analysis. The meeting between the exploration the discovery of writings and the production of an artefact is presented in the form of a scenography which takes place each year in the exhibition space of the Cantine located on the Bois Perrin site in reindeer.
This forward-looking approach should last several years with the aim of collecting a set of pieces (sound, visual, cartographic) and producing an atlas grouping together different types of situations and discoveries.