THE CRACK, Brussels (Belgium), 2021
Client : SLRB - BGHM
Team : Alive Architecture, Taktyk
Program : Collective art installation as part of the 101% program
Location : Garden-city of Kappelleveld, Woluwe, Brussels
Cost of work: 240 000€
Date : 2018-2021
Team : Alive Architecture, Taktyk
Program : Collective art installation as part of the 101% program
Location : Garden-city of Kappelleveld, Woluwe, Brussels
Cost of work: 240 000€
Date : 2018-2021
The project reclaims a former tennis court, long withdrawn from collective use. Uncovering its ground bring life cycles and social life back. It is populated with curiosities, social sculptures co-created from as-found materials. The crack leads to a very intriguing third space, an invitation to the valley. Today our intervention concretize a joyful proposal that frees some active inhabitants from current inertia to act. It can look like a weird Belgian design solution, an opening pointing at a new closed gate placed by the “owner” this is simultaneously its power; the spatial project criticizes current modes of governing the cooperative and the rather absurd decisions currently taken.
Cette œuvre, fruit du processus participatif entre Alive Architecture, Taktyk, des habitant.e.s du quartier Kapelleveld, ABC et la SLRB, est conçue comme un lieu de rencontres connecté au « 55 », une maison communautaire.Depuis longtemps soustrait à l’usage collectif, l’ancien terrain de tennis laisse place à un sol qui invite vers une vallée encore oubliée. La Faille, peuplée de curiosités, sculptures co-fabriquées à partir de matériaux détournés, propose de nouveaux possibles.
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